Smarter Brain Resource Sheet


Want to upgrade your brain power and start becoming more productive, creative, efficient and focussed?

The full ebook and report provide a ton of tips for how to do this and go into incredibly great depth. But if your brain is hungry for more, then perhaps you’re looking for further reading you can use to take your brain training even further. In that case, read on for 7 excellent resources to further boost your brain power…

Trick of the Mind

This book by Derren Brown is absolutely fantastic when it comes to better understanding the workings of your mind. It’s filled with fascinating techniques that the illusionist uses to pull the wool over our eyes, as well as NLP techniques, memory strategies and much more.

Thinking Fast and Slow

Thinking Fast and Slow is a classic text when it comes to making the most of your brain. It discusses the dangers of ‘cognitive biases’ and explains the difference between our fast decisions and our slow decisions. Throughout this book I hope you’ve learned what a difference simply understanding the workings of your mind can make, and hopefully this text will demonstrate that further.


Lumosity is a brain training site. While we haven’t been overly kind to traditional forms of brain training, this is still the number one product of its kind and it does include N-Back tests and other things that could have some benefit. So check it out, just take some of the games with a pinch of salt.



What we have been very kind to though is meditation. Meditation is your greatest tool for getting the most out of your brain and can be a fantastic asset in increasing plasticity and so much more. That said, it is also hard to get started with, which is where Headspace comes in handy by providing you with plenty of guided meditation sessions. You don’t need a tool like this to get started, but it can sure be a big help.

LongeCity Forums

If you have any interest in the topic of nootropics – something we discussed at length in the book – then this forum is a fantastic place to learn more and to discover how to use supplements and more to improve your cognitive function. There’s a lot of discussion here and you can ask the community for advice and ideas if you’re unsure.

The Bulletproof Blog

There are several blogs on the web about making the most of your brain and body. These biohackers are concerned with optimizing themselves so they can work smarter and feel better. One of the most popular is Dave Asprey, creator of Bulletproof Coffee, who you’ll find over at this blog.

The Four Hour Blog

The other big one is Tim Ferriss, who runs the Four Hour Blog and who wrote The Four Hour Workweek. Definitely a lot worth checking out here, so head over and read through the archives. There’s everything from sleep optimization, to hacking your brain!
